Kekoa Health

Kekoa Health

Meet the stronger, healthier, and more confident version of yourself.

Making online fitness training truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times and to celebrate your wins. Lets train!

Your personal coach is now in your pocket!

Personalised Schedule

Transform your fitness journey with an exclusive training program designed specifically for you to achieve your goals. Your personalized schedule will include workouts, meal plans, hydration as well as activity goals.

My Plans

Kekoa Health 6-Week Body Revolution!

Kekoa Health 6-Week Body Revolution!

Kekoa Health 6-Week Body Revolution! This program is designed to deliver incredible results through a combination of strategic training sessions and a personalized nutrition plan.

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

6 weeks assess to Elite coaching and Nutritionist

Training: Weeks 1-3 Engage in 2 full-body training sessions per week. Weeks 4-6 1 full-body and 1 upper/lower body session with proven results.

Nutrition: Follow a targeted nutrition plan designed to optimize your results and support your fitness goals.

for 6 Weeks
Kekoa Health Foundation

Kekoa Health Foundation

A gym-based program individualized to help you reach your fitness goals whilst taking full reign of your health.

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalized meal plan

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for first week
Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching - Kekoa Health's comprehensive nutrition plan includes a thorough Diagnostic Screening by an experienced nutritionist, identifying areas for improvement and addressing nutrient deficiencies. You'll have exclusive Access to our user-friendly app for tracking progress and meal planning, ensuring a seamless connection with your nutritionist. Benefit from 2 Additional Virtual Coaching Sessions per month, offering personalized guidance and prompt assistance through Unlimited Chat Support. Enjoy Customized Meal Planning tailored to your preferences, along with Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis and Feedback on your food diaries. Our plan also offers Advanced Supplement Recommendations, In-depth Performance Optimization, Individualized Macro- and Micronutrient Guidance, and regular Body Composition Assessment and Tracking to keep you on the right track. With Personalized Goal Setting and Regular Progress Evaluations, we'll work together to achieve your goals, backed by specific Nutrition Guidance based on your dietary intake, ensuring your diet aligns perfectly with your objectives.

Diagnostic Screening: An experienced nutritionist will conduct a thorough assessment of your current dietary habits. This includes identifying areas of improvement, nutrient deficiencies, and any dietary concerns.

Access to App: You'll gain access to a user-friendly app that will serve as a valuable tool in tracking your progress, meal planning, and staying connected with your nutritionist.

2 Additional Coaching Sessions (Virtual, 30 minutes each):

Spread over the month, these sessions provide the opportunity for personalized guidance, addressing your specific needs and concerns.

Unlimited Chat Support: We understand that questions and concerns may arise between sessions. Rest assured, we are just an email or chat message away to provide prompt assistance.

Customized Meal Planning: Your meal plans will be tailored to your unique preferences and requirements, ensuring that you enjoy what you eat while achieving your nutrition goals.

Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis and Feedback: We'll provide feedback on your food diaries, helping you make informed choices and adjustments to your diet.

Advanced Supplement Recommendations: If necessary, our nutritionist will offer guidance on supplements that can complement your diet and support your well-being.

In-depth Sports Performance Optimization: For those with fitness and sports goals, we offer strategies to enhance your athletic performance through nutrition.

Individualized Macro- and Micronutrient Guidance: We'll help you understand and meet your specific macro- and micronutrient needs, promoting overall health and vitality.

Body Composition Assessment and Tracking: Monitor your progress with regular body composition assessments, ensuring you're on track to meet your goals.

Personalized Goal Setting and Regular Progress Evaluations: We'll work together to set achievable goals and regularly assess your progress, making necessary adjustments along the way.

Nutrition Guidance: We'll provide specific macronutrient targets based on a thorough review of your initial dietary intake, ensuring your diet aligns with your goals.

for first week

Geoff Samson M.S.

Personal Trainer

At Kekoa Health, our seasoned nutrition and strength coaches bring 15 years of specialized expertise in nutrition, sports performance, and body transformations. With a focus on sports performance, structural balance, body composition, and clinical conditions, we draw on our extensive background in nutrition, communication, anatomy, and physiology to guide our clients toward optimal health. Embracing power and connecting to your health requires not only balance in life but balance in strength. Like waves in the ocean, you are unique to the world, and so is your design. At Kekoa Health, we understand this deeply. Our personalized approach is tailored to your unique needs, whether it's strength building, weight loss, or overall health and wellness. We've worked with a diverse range of clients, acknowledging that each individual has their own distinctive requirements. Through personalized programs and whole-food nutrition-focused techniques, we are known for our transformative approach to optimizing body composition and performance. For top-tier nutrition consulting and personal training services, Kekoa Health is your trusted partner in achieving enhanced health and strength.

Geoff Samson M.S.

Complete personalised fitness solution

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Embracing the Journey

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.